Apr 23, 2007 22:05
Somehow I seem to have survived another farce production...
I don't know how...
In the end I enjoyed myself at least, I managed to suppress my hatred of human life and in the end get a nice little snog from a certain person I share name with... ;) Apparently he enjoyed it too, go me!
I have two things to irritate me however:
1. Income declaration. Normally this isn't a problem as everything is filled in before I get it.
However. My 'real' job hasn't sent in the proper paperwork to the tax office, which means I have paid more tax than I should have during the last year. This combined with he fact that they have messed up before (those on my flist remember the enraged post a few months past) is bugging me, I intend to go over to their office tomorrow and get all my papers and a promise that they will send in everything before Wednesday...
2. Torn book-pages. When I borrow a book at the library I expect the book to be whole. So when I found a torn page in the book I'm currently reading I was pissed off. What bugs me even more is that it's a good book and I refuse to continue reading and missing two pages of plot.
I'm going down to the library tomorrow to see if they have a second copy and tell them about this tear...
I could have endured it if it was a simple rip, but now it's half a bloody page missing!
People who tear books ought to be broken on a wheel, then fried over a slow fire until rare and then slowly fed to hungry lions, feet first.
*sigh* And I need to finish cleaning my room... I got the greater part of it done today, but there's still loads to be done... I need more storage-space...
Oh, well... That's for tomorrow though, now I'm off to bed... Luckily I have a half-finished book on Tarot-reading to keep me company tonight.