School has started now for both of my boys! :) Nicholas is in 4th grade this year and getting to be so handsome. Gabriel just started preschool on Monday. I will try to manage to upload & post the picture I took of them on Monday. *beams*
We have signed Gabriel up for the same preschool that Nicholas went to, which is a co-operatively owned and run parent participation preschool. What this translates to is that, on top of everything else, we have committed to:
- Work in the classroom 1 day a week (8:45 am - 12:00 pm ... did I mention this is once a week?!)
- Perform a "committee" job: we are on the Operations team and are the "Janitor" this year ... LOL. Basically, once a month on Wednesday nights, my husband and/or I (which basically means it will be me) have to go to the school and spend ~3 hours cleaning: the bathroom, vacuuming, restocking supplies, etcetera.
- Attend a monthly general session meeting 7-10 pm
- Complete two facilities maintenance days: work on various projects to improve or maintain the facilities 8:00 am - 12:00 pm on a Saturday morning.
- Complete at least one three hour fund-raising shift
I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Needless to say this is a MAJOR time commitment! I have NO IDEA how we are going to manage this on top of everything else. In fact, I haven't actually told my manager at work that this is where I'll be on Friday mornings ... :P (I theoretically "work at home" on Fridays.) Just last night I said to my husband:
Me: "I hope we survive ... everything ... "
Him: "What, you mean our lives?!"
I mean, we already feel so pressed for time, both of our jobs are insane, both of our boys are very active and demand of all the attention we can offer them (which is already less than they deserve), already we have virtually no time for any recreational activities... (and on top of it all, we're both sick at the moment. :P) Honestly, I feel like my brain has almost ceased to function. I am incapable of any real time interaction these days (including a normal conversation) and I have traded off personal grooming for sleep ... whenever I can get it!
BUT. But, preschool -- and this preschool in particular -- was SUCH a good experience for Nicholas and surely we owe it to Gabriel to offer him the same opportunity (at least as much as possible.) Plus it was ultimately so rewarding to participate as a family in the experience.
Still ... OMG. How will we survive?! :P