Recently I've been participating in
Holly Lisle's Write A Book With Me challenge on her blog. Basically, she posts her daily wordcount and novel progress, and you post yours in comments. It's a surprisingly gentle motivator; the idea is that small daily wordcounts are the way to go to finish things.
So. Since I spoke to you last, oh livejournal, I have:
-Wrestled with my block on 'Dirt and Rainwater' and beaten it into submission with more plot
-Written 2841 words of aforesaid, and
-Written 1407 words of my Busman's Holiday* Project, currently labelled 'Otherworld' through lack of anything else to call it.
That's a fair few words in not very many days *pleased*. D & R currently sits at 14588, and Otherworld is 7237 words. I think I'm just over halfway done with D & R, so it'll end up 25-30k, and Otherworld is going to be at least 50k, if not something ridiculous like 80k, cause there's so damn much story in that one. Still. Oh, enthusiasm and motivation, how I have missed thee.
In other news, I've been brushing up my maths in preparation for starting Uni. I fear it may have atrophied somewhat, and I want to, you know, hit the ground running. So excited about going! 12 days and counting :).
*A Busman's Holiday project is one which I write as a holiday from my main work, and use to bribe myself into getting words on my main WIP.