So, as the Subtitle goes...

Dec 22, 2008 10:51

Surprise! I'm really not dead. I've just been suffering from a chronic lack of time recently - but, as the Frenchman says, if you never take time, how can you ever really have time?

Some of the more interesting things I've done have included:

-Cambridge interviews (plus an exam. I have no idea how any of it went, so I guess I'll find out in early January).
-Preparation for and execution of a Christmas Concert, in which I was in literally everything except the solos (because, duh, I'm neither a tenor nor a harpist).
-VIP Physicist's visit of Birmingham University - the place I'm totally going if Cambridge decide I'm too short or something. Or maybe even if they don't, because it's just that cool.

There's more that I can't remember just at the mo, and will sprinkle into later posts, but most of the rest of what I've been doing just isn't all that interesting. F-list, especially but not limited to missdewey , anthimaeria , bironic , cobweb_diamond and tacitus_3 , I still love you and please link me anything interesting or that you want me to see that I might have missed during the phase where I did not switch on my computer.

I seriously need to clean this place out, what. New icons, that sort of thing.

i'm not dead

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