Jessica Simpson: Run Away From Abusive Men
E! Online - Jessica Simpson: Run Away From Abusive Men(E! Online)
Los Angeles (E! Online) - First Oprah and Tyra. Now it's Jessica's turn.
Becoming the latest star to speak out this week in the wake of the Chris Brown-Rihanna fiasco, Jessica Simpson urged female fans at last night's concert in Phoenix to "run so far away" from abusive relationships.
"In love, we all go through a lot of things, and a lot of things unfortunately make us stay there," Simpson, 28, told the crowd. "No matter what you go through in life, no matter what abuse you go through, take your heart and run so far away."
She then broke into "Remember That," with the lines "Remember how he pushed you in the hallway just enough to hurt a little bit/ Remember the whiskey in his whispers and the lies that fell so easy from his lips/ He said he'll never do it again/ You can't take it back/ The proof is on your skin/ Remember that.
"It doesn't matter how he hurts you/ With his hands or with his words/ You don't deserve it/ It ain't worth it/ Take your heart and run."
Simpson, who divorced Nick Lachey in 2006 after three years of marriage and subsequently dated musician John Mayer, alluded to her own relationship drama with "a guy that I couldn't get over" following a performance of "Still Don't Stop Me."
"After I wrote that song, I was mad at myself for being so weak, and I got over that guy!" she said.
Simpson has previously admitted to being in an abusive relationship of her own, but she has never identified the man involved.