May 06, 2006 00:33
So yeah....of all the stupid things, Easter weekend I got stranded back home when I went to visit and get things for my senior project. My car being the cause, I ended up spending $450 to fix it just to come back to college. While home, I found out my aunt was back in the hospital. During vacation, she had gone in for a "stroke" that had apparently affected the emotion center of her brain. I go home anyway to spend easter with my folks for the first time in five years and while there find out she's back in the hospital and going downhill fast. Then the car goes on me and I spend tons of money I didn't have and Isis bless my folks for lending it to me at the time. Get back here, and work on my project. I go to my favorite store after not having been there in forever, call when I get back to campus before the "culture night" which never actually happened since security neglected to unlock doors for us...not that anyone showed anyway. Call home.....find out of all the stupid fucking things that my aunt is not dying due to a stroke, she's dying of fucking mad cow disease!! How pissy is that? What God deemed that was a good way to slowly go completely insane and then to drop into a coma and have all of your organs shut down one by one until the only thing keeping you alive is a fucking pacemaker??? During all of this, I had to hang my show.....not going into the results of my work since I apparently suck at life. During the last few weeks, I have been constantly calling home to update my mother on all the stupid senior junk I must also have to deal with. Called today to tell her something and got completely side-tracked when she told me I had to add yet another person to the already 11 I had to reserve seats for at the senior bbq. Then I find out that the pacemaker that has been keeping my aunt alive for TWO FUCKING WEEKS has finally crapped out as of sometime on the morning of May 5. Two weeks?? Again what God decided to torture us like that because we need to have a discussion him and I....that or a good ass kicking from me to him.
The best part of the last three weeks was going to the walmart today and getting fun noodles to repair my "swords" with. That's kinda sad actually......