Round 10

Sep 01, 2008 01:25

Round 10!! :D Thank you everyone who signed up for Round 10 and look forward to see the outcomes. :) This post has all the information needed to complete the round.

Let's try and break a record and have 35 participants finish this round!!! :D

DONT FORGET: Please try, if you can, to check out others entries and leave a comment. Feedback is always nice and appreciated. :)


Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted.

All work must be your own, not someone elses.

Please make sure all images are PG Rated. Meaning, no graphic violence and keep their 'bits' in their clothing or covered and profanity free so that everyone can go view your icons. :D BUT if you're not sure, just ask. :)

Icons must fit the livejournal standard. under 40kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif or .jpg file format.

When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon examples, not just a banner and a link to the icon post or lj-cut.

Post the completed icons at once.

The icon post must be unlocked for two reasons. 1. because Megan, Sandy and myself need to see the entries for voting and 2. So people don't have to join to view your icons.

Don't submit your icons to this post.

ALL entries are moderated which means that either myself, Megan or Sandy have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.

Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience. (of course, you can change the colours of the table)

Please add your own tags, and do it using the following format exactly: (Tags are the most important this to remember. That's what we use during the voting process)
round: 10, entries: round 10, user: 'you', celeb: 'chosen celeb'

Completed 20 are due SEPTEMBER 20th in your timezone.

ROUND 10 POSTING ACCESS: everyone who signed up for Round 9 now has posting access.

Round 10 themes: alphabet, angelic, *broken, devilish, event, good mood, **name, shape, side on, unimpressed.
*broken: The image has to clearly be broken; it's not an 'emotion' theme.

**name: The celebrity's name has to be somewhere on the icon where it can clearly be seen/read. No other text/tiny text can be on the icon. It can be either first name, last name or both. Not just initials or nicknames.

Round 10 category: 'ONE COLOUR' - Each icon can only have one colour in it and each icon of the set has to be a different colour. For example (please excuse the crap quality. I just whipped these up incase my description was crap.)

If you're unsure, just ask. :)

Round 10 Artist's Choice: Well, Artists, it's your choice! :P


good moodnameshapeside-onunimpressed


category #1category #2category #3category #4category #5


Artist's Choice #1Artist's Choice #2Artist's Choice #3Artist's Choice #4Artist's Choice #5

Good luck everyone, I can't wait to see what you all come up with! Feel free to ask any questions if I didn't explain something properly. :)

info: round 10, round: 10