Here are the winners for the Themes part of Round 2. It was amazing, there were NO ties! :D Thanks to everyone who participated and voted!
heyjerseyBEST DARK
aureliaBEST EYES
lillianporterBEST FACE
kissed_tragedyBEST FUN
elena_vlc_15 BEST HAPPY
her_quiddityBEST LIGHT
sophie_lizzieBEST SAD
shine_shineBEST SEXY
lillianporterBEST WEIRD
dionisia2005 Congrats to all the winners, there were a lot of close calls! If you want to know how many votes your icon got, let me know and I'll post a tally... :)
I'll get the participation banners done for the rest of you as soon as possible! And
mari_mi will be making the banners for the Theme winners. :)