Feb 06, 2005 20:28
It's been a looong weekend. Went to set up at church for the Mardi Gras party and what not..talked to Andrew which was cool cuz it's been a while since we've conversed. Theeen I went to Maty's soccer game with Morgan. And they won so now they are 2-0 in district, yaaah varsity. Afterwards we went to Denny's (Maty, Matt, Mike, me).
Saturday I did errands with Maty all day pretty much. I got my formal dress which is so so. But it was cheap so ya know, it worked. So much for getting that other in Fort Worth..sigh. After we worked 6-12 cuz we had lots of inventory to do. It wasn't hard or anything but it was so boring. Then I got to wake up at 5 on Sunday and come in at 6 to do more inventory. Fun Fun, I <3 work.
Don't lose track of what's really important.