Okay - so, I didn't realize it was April 12th until about 4pm and by then I was in no mood to take photos. So, I opted to do a 13 of 13 instead.
Here we go:
9:24am - So...I was in the Antelope Valley on Saturday to attend the memorial for a friend who had passed away earlier that week. I left after work and was on little-to-no sleep, so I ended up crashing in E.'s hotel room and driving back to the Valley sunday morning - because it turns out this was my Sunday of the month to do the 9:30am spanish mass. Doing the masses is second nature to me now so after I set up, I took a few minutes to learn that Sunday's psalm - yay for sight-reading!!!
11:07am - I got home from church and was getting ready to nap when Denise sent me a text. She had just started the master cleanse and was in ultimate disgust from the salt water flush. I called her back and confirmed details for the night.
3pm - I woke up from my nap mega hungry. I opened the fridge and lo and behold - Arepas!!! Well..just one. And it wasn't mine - but, I ate it anyway because good lord - they are mother fucking delicious. Arepas are Colombian for Awesome!
3:29pm - Snowflake flannel pj bottoms? Check. Thermal top? Check. Bedroom in interminable state of disarray? Check. I'm currently posting a myspace bulletin for the show later that night.
3:42pm - That arepa was not enough to satisfy my hunger so I got up and made my ultimate comfort food - a scrambled egg sandwich. Mmmmmm....
4:44pm - I only had a 30-minute set tonight so I sat down to fine-tune the set list and time it. I love that my iPhone has a stopwatch setting. Also - the back of envelopes are excellent for new lyrics and set list deliberations.
5:17pm - It's so hard being a rockstar.
7:09pm - Time to get ready for the show!! Last month I unleashed my inner "Don Corleone". This month, I unleash unto you my inner Ferris Bueller. Enjoy.
9:12pm - So, I had a show this night in Santa Monica. Here are my loyal fans - Grant, Denise, and Abby. All 3 of them fabulous people and majorly bad influences. :)
9:13pm - This is Grant and I totally love him. He's one-third of one of my favorite L.A. bands - The Paper Tigers. He also was published in that Sunday's LA Times with an amazing wine country review. Here's hoping his awesomeness is contagious.
9:58pm - On stage - where I'm most at home. This is Abby - one half of FearMia and one third of The Paper Tigers. She rocks my world.
10:27pm - And my awesome set is over. This is what I see when I'm on stage. I love my peeps.
11:11pm - Oh Denise - I love you so. We carpooled and had just arrived at her apartment. 2 fabulous brownies calling it a night. Oh yeah - stop looking at my fucked up eye. I look retarded. Fabulous - but retarded. You'll be glad to know it's almost all better now. Note to self - never fall asleep with your contacts on with an eyelash stuck to your eyeball. Bad news, people.
B O N U S P I C :
9:55pm - My bonus word was "Sizing". I once caught a fish "THIS" big!! But, seriously - this pic is cracked me up since I had just been called out on the day before for not being able to talk without my hands. This picture totally supports this. Narf.
And yeah...there you go. 13 pics of my life on the 13th of April.
My stupid left eye can SucK it!