So...I had to call in sick yesterday.
And I nursed what I thought was either the flu, a really cold, or the black death with cold and flu medicine. However...around 1pm I started to realize that the cold medicine just wasn't doing anything for my symptoms. And, I kept watching news reports on the horrible winds...and then it hit me like a ton of bricks:
You see..ever since I had my allergy shots, I'm not as sensitive as I used to be. In fact...I only ever react in harsh conditions. Example: A little bit of dust has no effect on me. But, if I walk into a dusty garage...then I feel like I'm dying.
Anyway...I guess I didn't put two and two together. The winds just didn't seem that bad. So, last night I took two benadryl and something for my cough. I woke up today feeling a million times better. I'm still slightly congested...but my throat doesn't hurt anymore. And the congestion is all residual, I think. Thank Jebus I didn't work today. The only time I can take benadryl is if I know I don't have to anywhere. Those fuckers knock me out like crazy.
I passed out at 10pm last night. At 7am I was still struggling to open my eyes. I had no control over my motor skills and finally had to surrender until I felt not so influenced by benadryl's tight grip.
So yeah. Gonna take a claritin around 9am. And hopefully I'll be good to go.
Feeling much better. lovely to see my friends post the flyer to my Frisco show. You guys are too cool.. Seriously - I love all of you. I'm mondo excited about playing a show up there. It's something I've wanted to do for a very very very long time.
Today I'm going to start emailing places in San Diego and Las Vegas. As well as trying to book another Frisco show and another L.A. show.
Tonight, my friend's band is playing a show in Studio CIty at the Fox n Hound pub. They're called
FearMia and if you went to the last show, you'll know them as the violinist and guitarist who joined me in the second half of the 2nd set.
I had a really weird dream last night. E. was in it. It turns out Sublime was touring and, being a huge Sublime fan, I desperately wanted to go. I knew E. wasn't so into them, but gave him the option of going anyway. He agreed and off we went. We were late, and the audience was weird. Also...there was weirdness with a camera. Apparently, we had gone camera shopping and were deciding on which of the 9 cameras would take a better photo and had this argument right outside the doors of the venue. I kept going inside for the show and then back outside to see where we were on the camera situation. Oh yeah..Chris was there too. And he was trying to decide with E. on the camera. On stage, Sublime had grown up a little...and Bradley kept bringing up his little girl to sing with them. I was getting upset that E. and Chris weren't coming inside and told them so. I was like "if you guys didn't wanna be here, then why did you come in the first place". This argument came after the fact that Bradley brought out a 20-person white baptist choir for a beautiful rendition of Boss DJ, Mary, and What I Got. And despite my efforts to get him to sit down and watch it, he refused.
And so I watched the rest of the show alone. And it was amazing.
Sublime Haters can Suck it!