Nov 21, 2007 14:06
Holy crap. I had no idea that I get 20 voice posts a month. I feel like I've been holding out on you! Anyway, there's this question meme (pronounced "meem", btw...not "mehm" like my lame ass has said for like ever) that's going around and that my friend Susan guilted all her friends into doing.
So here we go..
Voice posts are fun, right? You get to hear funny accents if your friends are from far, far away. All we really want is to hear your voice, we don't care what you're saying. So here's a list of typical meme questions that would otherwise be boring, but when communicated aloud - well, it's entertaining. Answer these questions in your post, and encourage others with voice-posting abilities to do the same.
1) What's your name?
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you from? Are you living there right now?
4) Is it cold where you are?
5) What's the time?
6) What are you wearing?
7) What was the last thing you listened to?
8) What was the last thing you ate?
9) What was the last thing you watched on tv?
10) What's your favorite tv show? Why?
11) Quick! Find a book, or something with text on it! Flip to a random page and read some of it! GO!
12) What was the last movie you saw? How was it?
13) Do YOU think you have an accent? Talk about that.
Yeah...I'm such a valley girl. Anyway...enjoy!
Talking can Suck It!
voice post