Well, last nite was the Jeezum Crow debut show, and if I do say so myself - we pretty much rocked it senseless.
It was so awesome. We were so on. It felt so good to be back on stage just having a grand old time. The hours of endless rehearsing totally payed off as even the minor fuck-ups were played off with grace and a tongue firmly in cheek. I look forward to many more shows.
We took a brazillian photos and we recorded the show. So....expect some music and photos on the
JC myspace very very soon.
After the show, we all went out to some sushi. I got adventurous and ordered some fried tofu in a ginger sauce. Let me tell you - fried, grilled, or flambe'd - tofu is still tofu and tofu is gross.
I'm just sayin. :)
E. and I split the most amazing desert. The dessert menu called it "Banana Spring Rolls". What it should've called it was "The most amazing banana dessert your mouth has ever encountered...and then some" because WOW!!!! It was SPECTACULAR!!!! I have never had anything more magically delicious than those banana spring rolls.
Hell yeah.
Anyway...today is March 5th. In 9 days I will be unemployed. In approximately 26 days, I will be moving to Silverlake. And as of the 15th, I will have 16 days to pack up my life, sell a few things, do my taxes, take advantage of my medical benefits, get my car looked at, and come up with a shit load of money. :)
I can't say that I'm not excited - because truth be told - I'm absolutely ecstatic. I feel like I'm on the cusp of making things happen for me. Starting a somewhat new life. It feels kinda good. And, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. The money thing does frighten me a bit. Although I am fully confident that I will be able to cover all my bases, there is that hovering cloud of doubt that never lets me forget that I'll never know until it actually happens.
Here's to new beginnings.
Last week was a bit crazy for me. My body completely surrendered to exhaustion and I called in sick for the 2nd half of Thursday and all of Friday. My body has still not recovered fully, but at least I got up in time to go to work today. I keep telling myself - just one more week, and all of this will be over.
Speaking of work - I will become a temporary resident of my Calabasas Office until my last day. I'm putting in some major overtime to make up for how behind I am and to cash in a bit on that last paycheck. So please - consider me non-existent until March 15th. :)
And that's pretty much it. When I came into day, there was this gorgeous arrangement of orange gladiolas waiting for me on my desk. Now, my allergies don't really allow me the luxury of flowers, however - when it comes to flowers, I'm a sucker for crazy colors and these blood orange gladiolas are just the perfect pick-me-up. They exude so much life into my shit-hole of an office. Just looking at them brings a smile to my face. And they're soooooo tall. They have so much attitude...I totally dig it.
My job can Suck It!