Jul 28, 2008 10:21
This is one fun post for me to do..heh.
A few weeks back I got the dreaded Jury duty summons in the mail and would have crumpled and thrown out the hideous thing if I didnt know there was possible jail time associated with conveniently not showing up. Anyways, last Friday, I followed the directions on the summons and called the number to find out if the number they had assigned me was being called to report. Damn if it was though. Man, was I pissed to say the least.
Went in bright and early this morning manned with my Jury duty survival stash - ds, ipod, books, etc... I had heard from a few friends as well as my mom that I could be there all day while the courts weeded through the odd four hundred people and asked them random questions to figure out if they were suited to sit as a juror for one of the trials scheduled to begin this week. I was crossing my fingers I wouldn't be one of them cos that would mean having to be here instead of work which to me is a whole lot more exciting.
Anyways, I found my seat and made myself *very* comfortable. Began reading my Frommers for Vancouver, but got bored of that very quickly. Decided to watch a bit of Farscape on my ipod while I munched/played with some Twizzlers I had brought. Sheesh! I was bored already! Finally they began calling out juror numbers. There were two civil cases and two criminal cases they needed people for I was told. I was crossing my fingers by this time that I would be called. If anyone knows me well, they'll understand fully how hard it is for me to sit still and be patient for anything. If I got called early and dismissed, I would be free to leave. If I was selected...well, then that would suck, but at least the time waiting would be over.
I went through three rounds of sitting this morning. Arghhh! Spent about two hours trying to keep my mind busy cos I knew my arse had to stay seated in their nice little auditorium. Finally, word came in that the last and final criminal case had a plea bargain submitted so my service wasnt needed anymore! YAY! Waited for my number to be called, handed in my form and literally flew out the door and to my car. I won't be summoned for at least another two years which totally rocks and I'll be paid $20 plus mileage just for showing up today...hehe.
Heading off to do some mt. biking with my little brother Chris now. With the temps already in the 80'sF and the sun shining, I cant think of a better way to spend the day. I have to be back early enough though to clean up and change cos my friend Joy will be by around 4ish to pick me up for the Rally/orientation taking place today at work. Ahh...and this one is paid as well. I love getting money for doing little to no work whatsoever. :D
jury duty,
mt. biking,