Bits and pieces

Apr 17, 2004 22:50

Just as a reminder for anyone who reads Tolkien fanfic - the Mithril Awards are open for nominations until May 9, so if you've read a really great story that was finished since the beginning of last April, nominate it! There are 26 different categories, so it's sure to fit in one or another of them.

It was a mixed kind of day here. Spent the morning sewing - made one pair of trousers, out of three I hope to get finished in the next several weeks. There are a couple of other things I'd like to finish before I leave, too, a vest and a blouse and possibly a dress, but I really would like to have the trousers to take with me. Extremely comfy (wide legs, elasticized waistband) but suitable to wear to archives and suchlike without looking like a schmo.

Wrote a couple of pages of a new Passages chapter; not anywhere near finished yet, but I was pleased to actually write something for a change. I do want to write another several filks, too - have been doing a weekly filk post at TORn's Main board and want to keep that up till I go.

Various problems with the HASA site launch - mostly cookie-related. To be expected, I know, but still not fun. Ang's doing an admirable job of figuring out what the problems are and how they can be fixed or worked around.

I made a curried shrimp-and-pasta salad, which was supposed to be for dinner, but SO had cravings for barbecued chicken so went and fetched that instead (I had pork - I love bbq pork). So the salad will wait till tomorrow. It's good for at least 5 days anyhow.

Oh, fiddlesticks - don't think I'll have time to sew any more till next weekend. Not only 3 batches of grading, but I need to do a bit of research before meeting with a couple of grad students next week, plus I'm giving a talk to the SCA on Tuesday night. I have the content of the talk - based on the article on medieval clothing I just finished - but it needs to be heavily revised to be less technical and specialized, lest I bore them to death. Well, I have all day tomorrow to get those things done, and then I could probably squeeze in sewing Monday. SO will have to stay late on campus for a search interview, so I'll have more spare time than usual.

Various things percolating in my head to muse on related to fandom, writing, and religious matters, but not quite up to that at the moment. Perhaps I'll write a bit more Elf slash and then off to bed.

writing fic passages, conferences, fanfic awards, archives

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