
Sep 21, 2009 22:31

I was tagged for this by missdewey.

FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Don't tag who tagged you. In short: OBEY. MY WORD IS LAW. NO TAG BACKS! [Except, you know, I don't really care.]
TAGGING: a_d_medievalist, ancarett, emiime, florahart, inell, r_grayjoy, syredonning, vlredreign. And anyone else who wants to.

Who sleeps in bed next to you?

My SO. Sometimes. No one else.

What's one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?

Having people think that my 15-months-younger sister and I were twins.

What kind of magazines do you read?

We subscribe to The Atlantic, Newsweek, MacWorld, PC World, The Herb Companion, Consumer Reports, and Cooks Illustrated. The one I'm most likely to actually read is the last. I don't know that the various professional journals count.

If you could see one band in concert right now, any band, dead or alive, which would it be?

Duran Duran, original lineup.

What's really creepy?

Earwigs. Ew ew ew ew ew.

Name one odd item within five feet of you.

SO's iron workout weights. They don't belong in my study, but have been here for over a week for some reason.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

Star Trek AOS/Reboot/XI, whatever you want to call it, I guess, although I'm less obsessed with this fandom than I have been with some.

Where would you like to go right now if you had enough money?

The Oregon coast and/or the U.K. Apparently I like cool damp places.

What are you most excited for?

Finishing my MLIS this year. Of course this means having to look for a new job, which is rather less exciting. In the shorter term, going to visit my sister this week!

What websites do you always visit when you go online?

If I'm on the laptop, I always have open in tabs my email, LJ, IJ, DW, Gmail, my own website, and Facebook.

What was the last thing you bought?

I have to confess, a bag of nacho cheese Doritos on campus today. *shame*

What's your favorite season?

I like autumn, but I do seem to have SAD, so autumn isn't always so good to me.

Does the weather affect your mood?


What is your zodiac sign?


Do you want to learn another language?

Well... I've studied five already. Spanish, Latin, Middle English, French, and German. I'm not very good at any of them any more. Latin and Middle English are best as I only ever have to read those. Am very very rusty at the modern languages. I've occasionally contemplated trying to learn Tolkien's Elvish languages.

5 things (not people) you can't live without?

1. Books.
2. A well-stocked kitchen. (I could live without it, but it would be awful.)
3. Comfortable clothes.
4. A computer with internet access.
5. Does my dog Juno count as a thing or a people?

Do you have any siblings?

One younger sister.

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?

I love you.

What's your earliest memory?

Standing in the living room looking in at my sister in the playpen while my mom was vacuuming in the next room. I think I was two years old, not more than three.

Say something to the person who tagged you:

We've got to meet again sometime. *g*

memes personal

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