Traveled safely, got here in good time, had dinner with
juniperus, and others at the pizza place where I always go at least once at this meeting. Am now eating leftover pizza for lunch, in fact, before picking up
neogrammarian at the airport.
Wireless access is supposedly only in the dorm lobby, but I guess I got lucky in my room location because I'm able to pick up a connection from there. So I should be able to post the LMOM drabbles without any fuss - just posted today's, link below - although I don't know how much time online I will have in general.
Have already bought three books. Oops. But two of them will, I think, be useful for teaching next year, and the third was $3 used. I shall try to refrain from buying any more, though. First session was good. May be a bit late to second on account of airport run; we shall see. (I don't speak till Saturday, myself.)