
Jun 30, 2008 22:48

Over at livelongnmarry, there are now some published authors (mostly in the fantasy/sci-fi range of things) making offers of items like signed copies of their novels, editing services, etc.... which I think is pretty darned nifty, given that the community is described as "Fandom support for marriage equality."

Not to mention tons of fanfic offers, original fic offers, jewelry, baked goodies, icons, knitted items, web design... just all sorts of stuff. And bidding opens the minute after midnight Pacific Time, July 1, whee! There are two fic-writers I've promised to bid on (that is, if no one else does, I will! because they both deserve it and might get lost in the shuffle) and I'm thinking about bidding on one of those signed books, too, even though I actually already own two copies of it, though not in hardback. I bake for myself, am not much for jewelry or scarves or dolls, don't really need icons/web design (although I just might look to see if there's someone who'd be willing to redo Wellinghall; not that I don't like the look, but I'd like to upgrade to the newer version of efiction and that would involve redoing the skin, which I don't think I'm capable of, at least not without putting in more time to learn how than I have available).

Also at livelongnmarry, I have made a second offer, by special request. This will involve writing in the Swordspoint fandom - three books I've not previously read. Yikes. So I'm ordering those today, although I won't have time to even read them until probably August.

While I'm pimping, there are THREE gifts for me to mention! And they ALL HAVE PERCY!

  • lesyeuxverts wrote Percy's Poltergeist - Percy/Draco, PG13 - another gift drabble!
  • My percy_ficathon gift was posted! Summer Rain - Percy/Neville, PG13 - Percy finds forgiveness in a manner only Neville could make possible. - Lyrical and sweet and very in character for both of them.
  • I bid on tarie at Sweet Charity last spring and she posted that fic today too! *g* Afters and Exercise - Harry/Percy, Harry/Percy/Draco, NC17 - Percy is on a mission to perfect a project for work, only Harry has a different idea. - This is amusing and sexy and it's great fun to see the interactions between them all here.
So if you like Percy at all, go and read and say nice things to all these authors!

charity, pimpage

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