The fun never stops!

May 26, 2008 18:45

Sunburned. Ow. My own stupid fault for not thinking to put on the sunscreen. I hate hate hate the stuff, so yeah, but I do know better if I'm going to be out in the late afternoon for, like, 2-1/2 hours.

*raises hand* Can I have a do-over? And if so, how far back in time can I choose for it to happen?

Actually, that raises an interesting existential sort of point. We become the people we are because of all that we live through; if we were able to go back and do things differently, would we be the same people afterward? If, for instance, I were able to go back and tell my younger self, you're not going to ultimately be happy as a uni prof, skip all that PhD stuff and go for something else, whether MLIS or whatever -- then I wouldn't have met my SO, or several very good friends; I wouldn't have spent a year in Erie, PA which is when I discovered fandom; I almost certainly wouldn't be writing this now. Whether my life would be "better" in some objective way or not is of course open to question, but would I even be the same person that I am now?

health, philosophizing

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