Organ donation

Apr 13, 2005 10:27

Read this great post on organ donation (found through the blog of Pilgrim/Heretic). I've never heard of Grey's Anatomy but I gather it's a television show, and the post was written in response to a recent episode that dealt with the topic.

I've been an organ donor for almost 20 years, ever since I first got my driver's license. As I see it, it's something that can save lives and causes no harm to me and mine. If any of my bits can be reused, great! Much better than either inhumation or cremation (although I want whatever's left to be cremated and used to fertilize daffodils...). It occurs to me, though, that if the Red Cross no longer wants my blood because I've spent too much time in the UK (they're worried about BSE), then perhaps my organs will also be unwanted. But that's up to others to decide, I guess.

Oh, and more info on donation courtesy of New Kid on the Hallway.

deep thoughts, medical, organ donation

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