Woo hoo!

Aug 17, 2003 22:31

Now, finally, online at home again. Even tentatively networked (!) although there are some problems with email and I'm not sure if it's the network or the cable connection. Will have to try to figure that out tomorrow or the next day. Giant pain to be able to receive email but not reply through Eudora.

And finally, also, have the third Pirates story completely drafted. Waiting for julifolo to get a chance to look at the tweaks I've made to the second one, then that will be live, then will do edits on number three - which is considerably longer than the first two PWP vignettes and has a minor sort of a plot, although the ending is rather weak.

Then, I hope, back to the Elves, finish up the next chapter there. Then I probably should do some translation so that I can do some professional writing for a change, huh? After that, maybe I can manage to return to Gondor.

School starts tomorrow. Oh, lordy. Thankfully it looks like I'll be carpooling with another new hire - we'll see how that goes. Haven't carpooled except with roommates before. Better head off for bed, in fact - getting up at 5 am is going to be evil.

commute, writing fic lotr, writing fic potc

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