I wrote yesterday and today, while visiting. I actually finished chapters of two stories, and I'm so excited and pleased about it that I'm putting them up right now as they stand, although both could probably use some polishing:
Faramir Decides, chapter 2 of
Looking Ahead, chapter 40 of
Passages (and the usual NC-17 smut warnings apply here).
Am having issues with the online connection, however, and although I can get email I'm not able to send any out from my usual address. So please don't be surprised or offended if you send a message and I don't reply until Tuesday or Wednesday.
The visit has been fun so far - lots of good food, been to the art museum and the zoo (will probably go back to the zoo tomorrow morning), and will probably get to the botanical garden tomorrow afternoon. Not to mention getting to write! Granted I need to finish a lecture still, but I can do that tomorrow evening, no trouble. It's nice to be in my hometown again, too. We walked down to the Arch today after brunch. So cool. Back again in a couple of days!