Mar 07, 2017 22:33
I was going to do this last week, for my birthday [because I am a Hobbit, and Hobbits give other people presents on their birthdays], but (a) busy, and (b) IJ down and I prefer doing auto-crossposting, so.
Having at long last managed to write ficlets for the last batch, I'm seeking new inspirations. If you would like a ficlet, or drabble, or if my muse gets really cooperative, maybe a short fic - please leave me a prompt!
I usually work best with: (1) your preferred fandom [see below]; (2) a character [1 or 2] OR a pairing; (3) a one to three word prompt.
My smut muse has been long absent, but in the unlikely event she puts in an appearance, let me know if you really would NOT want smut.
Fandoms I can probably write in just now: Harry Potter, Tolkien, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hunger Games, Good Omens, Jane Austen, The Breakfast Club, Narnia, The History Boys, Star Trek [Reboot only]. Any other fandom I've previously written - maybe. Something else you think I might know well enough - it's possible, you can always ask, anyhow.
In the past, anyhow, I've managed to write pretty much any character(s) or pairing that have been requested, within moderate reason. (Harry/Giant Squid might be too much of a stretch.) So don't let that stop you. :)
drabble offers