Made it through the latest horrific storm okay, plus dog update

May 31, 2013 20:43

Once again the tornadoes have missed us. We were at the ballpark, waited a bit there after the sirens went off, then drove home through very very heavy rain; made it back ok. Some big branches down, but we have not lost power and looks like no major hail damage here either. Juno's surprisingly calm considering the many times the sirens have gone off and the amount of thunder. It's a HUGE storm, still coming through, but the worst does appear to be over, we hope.

PS, we did get up to Stillwater and are going to be adopting another dog tomorrow. :) Need to lay in some supplies, then we'll go pick her up in the afternoon, this time not taking Juno. (They got along fine, not a whole lot of interaction but it was mostly very good.) Name of new dog not chosen yet, will keep you updated!

weather, dog

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