Got all party prep + cleaning done, ready just in time. Party went well; much food left as usual (that's how I roll, would rather have many leftovers than not enough, and we will take leftover tartlets to the community dinner tomorrow). Then went to a play (A Christmas Carol but from Marley's POV - the title is escaping me but we enjoyed it). Then had to check
3fan_holidays stuff; all but one ficlets in, so in good shape there and will start posting tomorrow as planned, have even worked out posting schedule (unlike many fests, I can't really weight towards posting the earliest-submitted first as I'd rather spread out the different fandoms/ratings/pairings to the extent possible).
Still need to figure out what I can eat next week and work up menus and grocery list to shop tomorrow, but I think I am too wiped out to do that now. Will do it in the am I guess. Also have to do laundry tomorrow since today was obviously not possible.