Busy week is busy

Aug 21, 2012 10:50

First week of the semester - whew. Tons of new students needing to figure out how to print, where the buildings for their classes are, where the bookstore is, all that kind of thing. It's Tuesday, and I'm on the evening reference shift on Tuesdays, so I don't go in until noon and then stay till 9 pm. Works well since we have the Monday yoga class, which means a very late dinner, and it's nice not to have to go to bed immediately after dinner.

So far today (as of 10:20 am) I've showered/dressed, eaten breakfast, walked Juno, unloaded the dishwasher, mended a blouse, gone through a week's worth of mail, caught up on recording financial transactions & balanced one checkbook, and tried to return calls to two insurance agents. SO wants to think about long term care insurance and since he's done all the house-related stuff all summer, he wants me to find out about this. Sigh. Phone calls to unknown people = Do Not Want. At about 11:30 the plumber is supposed to come; the hall toilet is not wanting to refill its tank, and it has non-standard innards (I suspect they're low-water-flow, don't know, but in any case not something that either I or SO knows how to fiddle with). So I might be late getting to work, but I'm not on the circ desk today and my one afternoon meeting was canceled, so if I'm a bit late it's not a huge deal.

No CSA last week, but we are supposed to have one this coming Friday, although there might be another break for a week or two after that. So no CSA report, but dishes made this week were marinated white beans which we took to our community meal on Sunday; hearty lentil soup by SO's request (it's somewhat cooler this week, and he was kind of tired of salads I think); and a pasta concoction involving penne, both basil and garlic scapes pesto, hot chicken Italian sausage, red onion, zucchini, yellow bell pepper, and tomatoes. Yum. We're also having blueberries and green salad as side dishes. Really it's only 4 days of dinner at home this week, Monday through Thursday, since Sunday was the community meal and Friday SO has to go to a thing for his department (there will probably be enough leftovers for me to scrounge dinner, or else I'll be indulgent and go get fried chicken or something).

While I was writing the above paragraph both the insurance agents called me back. Evidently the way this works is that one has to meet with them in person as there are so many different options... which means we'll have to try to meet on a Saturday, I suspect, what with our work schedules.

Thursday is SO's birthday. I've made a dinner reservation for Saturday; he wanted me to pick somewhere and not tell him until we get to it. I'm even supposed to blindfold him for the drive. I joked that I would take him to Red Robin and get them to have the robin sing to him, but actually I made a reservation at a Japanese restaurant that does good sushi, where we've been once or twice before.

It's been an expensive month so far. SO's car had to have a headlight fixed; it had gotten cracked and water in it. Then his car also needed to be realigned, whee. The garage door opener quit working and the mechanism had to be entirely replaced (to be fair it seems to have been about 20 years old). We had the AC checked, and today the plumber is coming. Whew. Just never stops.

That's what I know for today...

asl job, marriage, menus, random life stuff

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