Weekend stuff

Jun 03, 2012 18:57

Hey, I'm posting the CSA almost on time this week! We got: salad greens, ~3 lb. peaches, 1 head garlic, 5 small onions, 2 small purple kohlrabi, 1 small broccoflower (I think that's what it must be, anyhow), 2 small cukes, 2 bunches radishes (which I gave to our neighbors), and 8 baby carrots.

I made cabbage latkes for breakfast this morning, am making a chicken stir-fry that will include cabbage and last week's kohlrabi leaves (in lieu of collards) tonight, and stir-fried udon noodles with cabbage and onion tomorrow (maybe I'll toss in the broccoflower too)... thereby using up all three cabbages from earlier weeks, woo hoo! Last night we had grilled salmon with the last of last week's kohlrabi; we still have cooked beets left to eat. There will also be salad, of course (using greens, cukes, and radishes), and some chicken sausages to go with the udon noodles. (Don't have the noodle recipe or the stir-fry typed out yet, since they're new.) I made a peach-blueberry cobbler with about 3/4 of the peaches plus some (quite old) blueberries from the freezer. SO will be out of town from Thursday through Sunday night, so I'm leaving Thursday and Friday dinners open (maybe I'll indulge in a pork chop or something).

That will leave: 2 heads garlic, 2 kohlrabi, some rosemary and thyme, a few old-ish radishes, and a pound or so of carrots. *ponders* I think that's all the lingering CSA veggies, then. Oh, and there's half a dozen peaches I didn't use, but I'll let them ripen a bit more and then SO can eat them. I'm not actually all that fond of peaches, oddly enough.

A fairly standard weekend really. I posted this month's
daily_deviant fic earlier today, and will repost on my own space next month:

  • Fear of Flying [Harry/Draco, NC17]: Flying makes Harry react strongly, and Draco knows it.

miscellany, csa, menus

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