
Feb 14, 2012 16:34

Big thank-yous to: ancarett, cruisedirector, accioslash, alisanne, jelazakazone, jillbertini, geekmama, coffee_n_cocoa, separatrix, realpestilence, zodiacstargazer, ragdoll, weepingnaiad, snegurochka_lee, juniperus, sassy_cissa, vlredreign, syredronning, the_dala, karaz, secretsolitaire, torino10154, easter, and stasia for the glass hearts - I feel very loved indeed!

And a happy Valentine's Day to all, even or perhaps especially if you find it a rather gloomy day for yourself. I am working the evening shift tonight, so I won't get to spend much time with SO, and it's not a holiday we generally do much for anyhow. I left him a card to open in my absence, but that was about it.

Nevertheless in honor of the day, for the Love/Not Love prompt at lupin_snape, I posted a short fic (will repost at my usual places tomorrow; for now, just at that comm on LJ/IJ/DW):

  • Falling in Love? [Remus/Severus, PG13]: Neither Remus nor Severus is quite willing to recognise what is happening between them. At IJ. At DW.
I don't think I ever mentioned that I went to see The Woman in Black on Sunday. Not really my cuppa in terms of genre, but I did enjoy it (and found it sufficiently creepy to get sweaty palms and mild palpitations at various points), and thought that Daniel Radcliffe did quite a good job. I hope that he is able, if he wants, to make the transition from the double-whammy of being a child actor AND an actor in a successful and long-running franchise, so that he is not typecast for the rest of his life (I would say he wasn't in this, but one film does not a career make). And Ciaran Hinds in a supporting role was, as usual, excellent. I have to say I did not care for the very ending, but that is perhaps just me. Beyond that I will refrain so as not to spoil anyone who might want to see it.

films, writing fic hp, holiday

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