That went well

Dec 15, 2011 15:45

The student assistant I had to tell today that I was not renewing for spring took it extremely well; no arguing, no questioning, just acceptance. So that was basically painless, not at all as I expected. Phew. [ETA: except now zie has asked to come talk with me after zie finishes a task, so who knows.] [ETA2: and I have agreed to let hir come back in spring, on strict probation. Zie has work-study funds or I might not have been willing to give one more chance.] I've now interviewed two, hired two, and have another interview scheduled for tomorrow. The fourth person tried to phone me yesterday but I was out of the office doing training; I called back and left a message but have not heard back again yet. Here's hoping, since that's the only one who had work-study funding and my budget is VERY unhappy.

All wrapping done for out-of-town family; everything boxed up and labeled and SO is supposed to take them to the post office this afternoon (the P.O. near the airport has longer hours, and he goes quite close to it on his way home, so that made the most sense). Tonight I will start prepping food for Saturday's party: shortbread (plain, orange, and clove - will mix and cut tonight, bake tomorrow); salmon dip; chickpea dip; and (if time permits) the mushroom filling for tartlets. There will be more cooking tomorrow and Saturday morning, of course, plus some tidying/cleaning to be done yet.

Had a doctor's appointment this morning and had to stop and fill a prescription immediately, so I was about half an hour later for work than I'd expected, and therefore late to meet the student I was interviewing. :-( Not a great start to the day... I've felt rushed and behind all day, only just now time to take a break at all, though I did post today's ficlet at lunch (link below). On the plus side, things are in good shape to start posting at
3fan_holidays tomorrow; all submissions but one are in and that author has been in touch (so possible pinch-hitters, thank you so much but you're off the hook!).

cc job, medical, social life, gifts, fests

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