Nearly at the end of a very long, busy, and stressful week... just one more day (which will be a semi-short work day, as I have yet another doctor's appointment in the morning so won't get to campus till probably about 10 am).
All eight of the newly-hired students have now gone through training, and we had our pre-semester meeting with them and with the returning students (except that four of the latter couldn't make it). Here's hoping they all work out well. I have the semi-final draft of the student work schedule, and already know that I made a mistake and will have to swap around a couple of shifts, but I'm not going to finalize it until late next week once I'm pretty sure there will be no more student class schedule changes (had a couple of those earlier this week while I was still juggling things). My strategy of hiring new students based largely on availability mostly paid off, though, as the semi-final draft was draft #7, whereas last year I was in the high teens before I had a draft that worked.
Pretty much the week has been eaten by all the training and pre-semester stuff. Haven't gotten much else done either at work or at home, just one drabble posted a couple of days ago (linked below). SO's car's AC is again not working right (clearly the "fix" didn't fix it), so I've had to drive his yesterday and today, since he carpools and it's better for just one person to suffer through intermittent AC outage in the again-horrible heat than for four to suffer (especially given that his carpool mates are, to put it bluntly, picky and rude whiners - one guy freaks out if he gets a single dog hair on his suit coat, so SO had to spend an hour vacuuming my car to render it sterile on Wednesday night).
The returned heat sucks, too. The heat rash on my face has cleared up, but I now have large swathes on both arms and under my left knee. Bah. This is doubtless part of the reason I haven't been sleeping so well, along with general stress and the consequent ability to turn off my brain at night.
Hope everyone else who is affected by a school year beginning now or soon is hanging in there!
- Named [Ginny/Harry, general, schmoop]: Ginny has just given birth. Here at IJ.