(Mostly) Lost weekend

May 01, 2011 21:27

I thought this weekend wasn't going to have extra stuff in it, but I was wrong. I'd forgotten that I'd agreed to cook dinner last night for SO and the other four members of his marathon relay team, and then shuttle them to and from the race this morning. Not things I objected to doing, but they did eat up a good bit of time. Since one of the relay team is vegetarian, I made vegan split pea soup, green salad, and we had black pepper bread that SO picked up from our favorite bakery.

CSA had lettuce, spinach, 2 big bunches of green onions, 2 bunches of radishes, a small bunch of carrots, and I think I'm forgetting something. I used up the remaining lettuce from last week and most of this week's, a bit of the new spinach, plus the rest of last week's radishes and almost all of last week's cukes in the salad last night. Grilled the green onions (with olive oil, salt, and pepper) on Friday since I was grilling a bratwurst that night while SO had to be at a departmental end-of year dinner. For tonight I made lasagne with turkey sausage, and also made the roasted potatoes with rosemary (added the last of the garlic chives too, after cooking) for tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll have crunchy-topped tilapia. There's a bit of last night's salad left, plus I have some other veggies hanging around (I think I'll wait on the CSA carrots and beets and see if we get more of either of those this week, though).

It was nice yesterday, but between yoga, errands/shopping, laundry, and cooking soup, then having people over for dinner, that was pretty much all I did. No chance to garden. Oh, and I brushed Juno fairly extensively although she still could use more to help thin out her undercoat. Today was cold - it was 59 when we got up at 5 am, and then dropped steadily and hovered in the high 40s most of the day - and rainy until about 2 pm. A glimpse of sun around dinnertime. So poor SO and his running mates got to do their marathon in chilly rainy weather. I walked Juno in it, but that's less time and I could carry an umbrella. We really need the rain, so I can't complain much about it. Caught up on financial recording and talked with my mother, too.

All in all I suppose it was a fairly accomplished weekend, just not terribly restful; no chance to sleep in without an alarm. I suppose I could have tried going back to bed after dropping the runners off this morning, but I didn't feel sleepy enough by then to make it seem feasible. So I fear I'm going to start the week off already on the tired side. Only one more week of the semester, right? And I don't have any more evening shifts until August...

OH! And I managed to secure a seed account (permanent account) at Dreamwidth. I'd meant to check on that first thing today, and then with all the marathon stuff I forgot, and didn't remember until late this afternoon, but was lucky enough that there were still some left and I snagged one. Having them at LJ and IJ has been worthwhile, so I decided to go for it. The timing was also excellent as my paid account at DW expired yesterday. *g*

csa, marriage, dreamwidth, menus, weather, done did

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