
May 03, 2010 21:30

I was thinking about self-identity this evening as I was driving home from campus. (No bunny and therefore no dictation today, you understand.) My guess is that pretty much everyone identifies themselves as members of this group or that group, or as having this or that characteristic - or, conversely, as being not a member of some group, or not having a particular characteristic.

Which group(s) or characteristics(s) or other identifier(s) each of us considers most important with regard to our own identity is likewise going to vary. So two people might both describe themselves as straight and as educators, but the identification as straight might be foundational to one, whereas the other might think of hirself first and foremost as an educator, and only secondarily care about hir sexuality.

This isn't very profound, I'm sure, but it made me ponder just what descriptors or labels I would use for myself, and what relative importance I would assign to each. And I realized too that which is more important is again going to vary based on context. Online, here, my identity as a writer is a big deal to me; but in a job interview it's the fact that I can be described as intelligent, hard-working, prompt, organized that is likely to be more significant.

Anyhow, figured I'd throw that bit of musing out to the intarwebs and see if it made anyone else think too.


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