Angry Furlough Moment

Mar 04, 2013 09:40

“The sun will come out tomorrow,” said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, calling the cuts a victory for taxpayers and “a good first step.” The impact, Jordan said, will not be nearly as dire as the White House has predicted.

I don't mind saying that I would like to kick Mr. Jordan in the balls, repeatedly, for being such a disgusting piece of dick cheese. We got our letter outlining the plans for sequestration today, and dire is the first word that sprang to mind. For those people who are gung-ho about decreasing the size of the defense budget, I think this is particularly interesting: "As a reminder and to assist you in making mission critical determinations, OSD directed protection of the following programs throughout the year: Fully protect funding for wartime operations." That's right, the single LARGEST expenditure of the military is protected, meaning every other penny has to be squeezed from smaller programs at home. And since they already also protected military pay, this entire budget is being balanced on the backs of federal workers. How exactly is having less money to spend going to help the economy again?

Why do we have people running the government who don't understand basic economics? It's like saying "You shouldn't have any loans because interest is a terrible thing, so you have to sell your car at a loss right this second in order to save money. Oh, how are you supposed to get to work then? Well that's up to you to sort out, isn't it? I've already saved you SO much money - my job here is done!" I'm just really upset about everything right now. I hate Tea Partiers and Libertarians so much, with their stupid "I got mine" mentality. I work hard - I'm proud of what I do. And a bunch of lazy ass kindergarten drop outs are about to make my life hell for nothing I've done. Fuck them all right in the ear. :(
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