So, here we are.
This journal launched almost 6 years ago to the day - July 13, 2003 The 1000th entry came almost 3 years ago - August 17, 2006 A lot has happened during this time. Too much for 6 years, really. I've made new friends, achieved goals, and seen my life change in really fantastic ways. I went to places I never dreamed of visiting, and did stuff I never imagined I'd get to do. I created. And I loved, and was loved.
And now? Today, as I sit and type out these words, the frightening thing is that, after all of those changes and milestones, my almost exactly where it was 6 years ago. Wiser? I hope so. Richer? Absolutely, if not necessarily financially. But I find myself in a place that feels eerily familiar. I guess that is because I've spent so much time here.
I had no idea what this journal would become when I started it. I don't think I could've guessed it would turn out to be the most consistent thing I'd end up doing on the Internet. It has traveled a long, strange path these last 6 years, and it has only sporadically been a source of pride or accomplishment. But it's always been here, even when I took vacations from it. And yes, even when I deleted it one night in a fit of pique I can no longer adequately recall. For good or bad, this journal has been a reflection of who I am better than anything else I've ever done. It's seen the creative, the sincere, the affectionate, the joyful, the silly, the angry, the bored, the despairing - all of this and so, so much more have made up this little corner of the world wide web.
In 2006, the future seemed limitless for my journal. Today, I tend to think it's time may run out sooner or later. LiveJournal has undergone enough upheavals that even I - a person who pays zero attention to such things - questions whether it will continue to exist. And even if it does, I wonder whether the English language side of the place will be eliminated. There's enough uncertainty that I elected to create a blog over on Blogspot. Plans were altered for this, and it now exists as something parallel to my journal. You can read it on LJ at
owariblog, my newly created feed for it here.
With the advent of the blog, and my goals for it, this journal has understandably taken a backseat in terms of everything but my personal issues and the occasional bit of levity. Honestly? I don't know how that's going to play out. Many of the people who were reading once are not anymore, or at the least aren't regulars. That doesn't really matter as far as this space goes, but it's always more fun when you know you have an audience. Mine has been steadily diminishing over time.
As we stand today, this journal is going to continue for the forseeable future. Its contents are subject to my whims, just like always. There may come a day when I tire of it and shut it down. More likely, it will be yanked from me kicking and screaming when the site itself goes down. I've accepted that probability, and have made the arrangements when and if it comes. But I won't be going anywhere until I'm forced out.
This seems like a good place to mention a few people by name. Well, username.
kazekage - One of my oldest friends, and the reason I got started at this joint all those years ago. We've taken different roads with this nonsense over the years, but I still marvel at your ability to turn a phrase.
rigantona - There almost from the beginning, and always a welcoming and friendly voice. We don't talk that much anymore, and I regret that fact. But I always want you to know that I consider you a good friend.
harvestmoon38 &
eroseternum - My sister and her best friend, respectively. Always able to make me laugh or listen to me when I needed it. Things are understandably different than they were 6 years ago, but I still love you guys.
davinx - Another friend of long-standing, still reading after all this time. Thanks for a lot of stuff, pal.
igadevil - Oh Iga, you always dazzle me with something, and for that alone, you'd have my gratitude. But there's been more than that, oh yes.
kabuki_studios - Just because your accounts are long dead doesn't mean I can't recognize you for your impact on me and this journal. You were a breath of fresh air when I needed it most. Glad you are enjoying yourself more at
pentapuss - Where have you gone, Ivy? It's been too long, and your presence always makes this old blogging platform more enjoyable.
sara_the_puu - Sara, if I had to make a list of the positives you've brought to my life, it would take up an entire journal entry at least. Suffice to say you've made a difference, and anywhere I go up will be because you helped me get there. Thank you for your friendship and...for everything.
There have been many others that have passed through these parts, and I regret that I can't list all of you. Trust me when I say that everyone that has read and commented brought something interesting to the table. Yeah, even that one.
So I close this entry now, on my beloved journal that I suspect is living on borrowed time. I'm doing my best to bring some optimism to this, but frankly, that's not my mood right now. Plus, I really don't know what the future holds even for this place. If things run to course, I might make 3000 entries in 2012. That's assuming there is still a LiveJournal by then.
I'm not making assumptions. All of this could be gone tomorrow. But even if it is just so much dust in the wind, it's been a hell of a ride getting here.
Good night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.