Dec 28, 2005 00:44
alrightey let's get through this sucker
deferred from swarthmore. now applying to UVM, UMass, Wesleyan, Haverford, Middlebury, and some SUNYs (Alfred among them, for all you ceramo/glass folk out there). almost done, too...i just have to label and send my portfolio stuffs to haverford, wesleyan, alfred, and middlebury, and write haverford's essay. not bad for 4 days before most of those deadlines.
is it bad that i really enjoyed the transit strike? i had the coolest carpool group ever: ben wexler, saskia, and kavitha, with kavitha's dad driving. meanwhile, jake scooted to school, for which i gave him a round of applause.
applied to be a JC! letters in mid-january
performed at el taller last week, which was fabulous - i met/heard some amazing musicians, and they all liked my pieces too. and everything was in spanish, and heather came to see me, and we loved being bilingual for the evening.
christmas in the athiest household: big apple circus, rent, presents (lots of $$ for a shopping spree, a leatherman (!!), excellent mixes from maxine and mairead, fuzzy socks, gorgeous skirt, a book of mark twain's essays, johnny cash CD, the people's history of science, a new desk lamp, and the complete works of sherlock holmes!)
cleaned my room yesterday! when its clean, its like i have a dance floor in there. good stuff.
anthro paper, late xmas gifts, print exchange, and ceramics stuff to catch up on
james is hosting a party on thursday. i have to convince my mom to let me go, which shouldn't be too difficult.
birthday planning: possibly ethiopian food and movies? i cant think of anything particularly spectacular. which is kindof pathetic, i guess. it'll be my 18th too. ideas, anyone?