Guilt has a scent...

Jan 16, 2009 23:32

The scent of guilt is interesting...

I don't know whether I should have patted the poor doggie with the promise of no punishment, this is enough to just watch you guilty and bewildered??? or if I should have pushed the issue.

But I don't like guilt as a scent.
Skin should smell like the person it belongs to.

I am going to take the weekend to find myself until I am needed again.

I woke up this morning and saw myself naked in the mirror and I was my frame. Just the frame.
Beautiful and scary.
Thankfully Chris ordered amazing food for the meeting today and since it was neutral territory I ate and ate and ate... I owe Chris a lot for today actually.
I think we'll be great officers together and hopefully good friends too.
But I've got to find a healthy balance.
Haven't seen my frame, been able to fondle almost all the way round the collar bones, since 2003 or early 2004. aNYONE HAVE GOOD RECIPES THAT MAKE YOU WANT OT EAT EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT HUNGRY AND FIND FOOD OTHERWISE REPULSIVE?

Crime and violence on the rise lately. Hug someone you love. Plant a hardy plant. Make herbal tea and dream under a handmade blanket. Read the Book Of Qualities...
Sing songs softly to yourself. Love the World.

Work keeps me clear and focused. I walked from campus to work today in the smoggy fog. I need to walk again, more. It's my me time. Some things should be carried over to life out here.
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