... because my heart can't take another heartbreak
So you're no longer Black but Leopard Pink. Pink? OMG
xbettox muahahahahahahahaha I'm so enjoying this~ Are you stalking our convo Hokuto? I'm sure I've locked that comm
need - hip rolls
need - a pinky ring
need - wink
I don't need - vague hint like this
White is new for JE but it suits Taiga. We already know who is Yellow. Now we need Purple, Green, Orange - Yugo, Shin, Nonchan?
- Iwamoto x Fukka
- Yugo with Hokuto jacket
- must Yuma sing this song when I was just thinking of Yanai saying Suga this afternoon
- Yuma scolding Akito
- Hokuto I-just-heard-something-good-today comment