Chapter 16

Jun 16, 2008 12:03

Micheal was with his team outside making sure none of his bruised ribs were broken, When Lincoln finally walked outside and after looking around he headed straight towards Micheal.
"That is your brother?" Ziva asked.
Micheal nodded, "Whatever he wants I am not in the mood for, So if he attacks me you guys are going to have to pull him off me."
"Are you too high and mighty to help me out little brother?" Lincoln asked aggressively once he was close enough.
Micheal looked at hm coolly, "That is a bit hypocritical considering you can't be bothered calling your father or NCIS before painting a giant target on your forehead."
"My father? you mean our father you idiot" Micheal snorted as Lincoln continued "Of course I didn't call them, they are probably full of Company agents like everyone else."
"So you decided to go into a unknown situation by yourself? Without any idea how many hostiles were in there or even the actual layout of the warehouse?" Micheal asked.
"I didn't have any time, they could have moved off a any second.." Lincoln started but was cut off by Micheal, "Do you have any idea what your little stunt cost?" Micheal shouted at him "Three agents have serious enough injuries to go the hospital and another three of us need to at the very least see a doctor, never mind that the Company now knows we are after them."
Micheal took a deep breath as his brother stood shell shocked in front of him, "So you don't trust us, So what? You should at least have enough brains in that thick head of yours to trust the people on your side, Who have the information to make the decisions to further your cause"
Micheal paused "We are honest and we are fair so unless you still have something to hide we should all be able to get along just fine, well besides the fact you caused the deaths of Lisa an Adrian" He seemed to add as a afterthought.
Lincoln seemed to swell in angeer as he stepped closer to Micheal to emphasise his point "I would never hurt Lisa or that dickhead she married."
Micheal smiled bitterly as Tony and Ziva stepped to either side of the brothers to stop the fists they were sure were coming "Obviously you have forgotten that your son has the extreme displeasure of sharing your name, along with the target painted on his back for any Company agent to see, But since asking after Lj wasn't your first piority, I guess things havn't changed at all have they Lincoln? You may be sober but you are still the same selfish bastard I knew and hated thirteen years ago."
With that Micheal took a step back, He could tell by the look on Lincoln's face that he was struggling desparately to stop himself from hitting Micheal, Finally Linc gave up and walked away. Micheal tooka deep breath and turned to his team "I would really like to see that doctor now" He told them.
Tony looked at Micheal's right eye which was now completely closed and weeping "That is probably a good idea boss."

Aldo and Jane listened quietly as Director Shepherd talked, from what they had seen and heard she was a more that able boss for this genuinely reliable agency and she proved this now as she stressed the need for them to interact more with their sources and then told them to find a good muzzle and leash for Lincoln. At this moment, Agent Morris led Lincoln into her office and once they were introduced the Director smiled nicely at everyone "May I talk to Lincoln alone please?" She asked calmly.
Aldo and Jane relocated to the outer office, after a moment they could hear raised voices and Aldo shook his head and began to pace. Lincoln had obviously never learned not to push a redheads temper and from the sounds of things he was fighting a losing battle. Jane looked up and glared as he paced and asked him to take it outside.
Once Aldo was in the hallway he walked to the rail overlooking the ground floor, There were two male agents packing up and obviously ready to go home, One seemed particularly familiar and Aldo finally recognised him as DeNozzo from the seminar earlier that day, He then realized that this must be where Micheal's team worked but Micheal himself was nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly DeNozzo looked up and stared at something underneath and a little bit to the left of Aldo "Are you okay boss?" He asked.
"The eye itself is fine" It was Micheal's voice and a moment later he came into view with a jewish woman behind him "It is just everything else around it is swollen."
"I will drive you home then" DeNozzo said "I hear we have got a day off?" He asked Micheal who nodded.
"We probably need the recovery time"

Aldo walked back into the Directors office before Micheal could see him. It was a strange thing to be almost spying on his younger son but it would be even worse if he was caught doing it. He hoped Micheal and Lincoln could settle their major differences soon because he knew they would have to be getting along before he even had a chance to get to know Micheal. 

working together, ncis, prisonbreak, cejuto

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