Working Together Chapter 8

May 05, 2008 13:47

Micheal called home later that day. Luckily it was one of Sara's afternoons off and so she was sitting on the sofa dipping sticks of celery into chocolate mousse, (apparently Lj had taken one look at the concoction in front of her and bolted to the other side of the house!.)
"How did that meeting go this morning?" Sara asked once they had finally stopped laughing.
Micheal didn't need to ask what meeting she was talking about, "I wasn't there but apparently it went quite well, we are now officially, unofficially working with Aldo and his colleagues" He said thoughtfully.
Sara whistled, "Well that will make things interesting around NCIS."
"I probably won't bump into them too much, but something else interesting came out of the meeting, would you mind another one of my crazy family coming to stay with us?" Micheal asked.
"Judging by the tone in your voice its someone you like so I guess its ok." she replied grinning as she felt him smile down the phone.
"It's my mother" Micheal said simply.
Sara opened and closed her mouth several times "Okay" She said finally.
Micheal smiled "yeah that was my reaction as well, some company agents went after her and so they are worried about her safety" Micheal started laughing "so they asked if we could take her in as a goodwill gesture."
Sara smiled "I would like to finally meet your mother."
"Okay" Micheal said "we can talk about it with Lj tonight" he promised.

Micheal got home late that night. He walked into the house to find Lj and Sara in the middle of a DVD with various types of junk food scattered around them. Seeing as the movie wasn't over anytime soon, Micheal said a quiet hello to Lj then settled next to Sara for a quick nap. Micheal didn't like watching movies especially action like this one as the incoming stimuli combined with trying to keep up with the story was too much for his LLI addled brain.
Sara nudged him awake a short while later. Micheal opened his eyes to see the end credits rolling and Lj cleaning up their mess. "Good movie?" He asked Sara quietly.
Sara nodded, her eyes full of tears, "It was beautiful how she told him she loved him before she blew out his brains with the gun," She replied sadly. Micheal blinked and then realized she was serious and upset so he pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead.
"Okay, how is that beautiful?" Lj asked as he came back into the room. "It just is" Sara replied into Micheal's shoulder. Micheal and Lj grinned and rolled their eyes at each other.
"Aunt Sara told me about the official unofficial alliance" Lj told Micheal as Sara tried to get herself under control in Micheal's arms.
Micheal nodded, "What do you think about it?" He asked Lj who shrugged.
"If it helps bring down the Company then its a good thing, if your asking what I think about my father and grandfather being there then I don't know because I have never had much to do with either of them." Lj finished.
Micheal smiled, "Neither have I, how do you feel about your grandmother coming to stay here?" He asked.
Lj looked thoughtful."It would be nice to have more family to get to know, what is she like?" he asked.
Micheal smiled "Her name is Christina and I havn't seen her since I was nine when she disappeared one day, although now that I look back on it, the Company is probably to blame for that too." Micheal said thoughtfully, "anyway I guess we will find out tomorrow." Micheal finished.
"time for bed I think" Sara said finally back to her normal self, "It sounds like the next couple of days will be full on." 

working together, ncis, prisonbreak, cejuto

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