Working Together Chapter 6

May 05, 2008 13:38

Micheal went back to work a couple of days later, happy that Sara and Lj were safe and content together, he wouldn't admit it but he felt relieved that there was someone in the house with Sara while she was pregnant.
Lj had already started school via correspondence and Sara was still working part time at the clinic. The only change in her routine was the agent keeping a quiet eye on them anytime they ventured away from the house, he was one of three Micheal and Director Shepherd had specially cleared for the purpose, after a ridicuously grueling security check by both of them.
After getting past the security, Micheal headed straight towards the Director's office passing his team on the way, who were at their desks attempting to catch up on paperwork, all but DeNozzo whose desk was noticably empty.
Micheal arrived at Director Shepherd's outer office where Cynthia, her secretary, motioned for Micheal to go straight in. Inside, Micheal found Director Shepherd and Agent Morris who was leading the Investigation into the Company waiting. "Alright we are both here what is going on?" Morris asked.
 "I have asked Cooper Green to come in today, I think he will probably be able to help us with this Company," Director Shepherd replied. 
"He wouldn't be involved in the Company" Micheal said positively. 
"I know that Agent Scofield," the Director replied "but he is a former Attorney General, he has any number of contacts, if he doesn't know something about them now he will soon." Both Micheal and Agent Morris nodded.
A moment later Cooper Green walked into the room. "Director" he greeted shaking her hand then nodding at both Micheal and Morris he sat down. "Why do I have the pleasure of being here today?" Cooper asked. 
"We have begun a investigation into a group of people" Director Shepherd began carefully, "involved in various illegal actvities including murder, extortion, bribery, blackmail, and fraud amongst others. This group have people on their payroll that are very high up in the government," she paused "They call themselves the Company." Cooper's eyebrows shot up.
The other three noticed his reaction and looked at each other "What do you know about the Company, Cooper?" Micheal probed. 
"Be careful" Cooper said immediately, "Many people have died at the hands of the Company, there are a lot of them and they are ruthless." 
"We already have a fair idea of that" Director Shepherd replied "What can you tell us about them?" Cooper smiled slightly to think he had just been telling Aldo about these people a couple of days ago and here they were investigating the Company without their input.
Cooper took a deep breath, "We have been trying for several decades to gain some concrete evidence against the Company but they have people everywhere. There is a group of former employees and others helping them that have a lot of circumstantial evidence they have built up over a number of years but nothing that can really bring them down and they don't trust anyone else to help them." 
"Do you think they would pass on copies of this evidence to us to start investigating ourselves?" Agent Morris asked. "I think they might be ok with us doing it that way." Cooper replied.
They sat in silence for a minute or so before Micheal asked "Do the names Aldo or Lincoln Burrows mean anything to you?" Cooper replied carefully even though he trusted Micheal "They do, where did you hear those about them?" "Lj Burrows was led to believe they went after him because of what his father and grandfather have done to the Company."
Cooper sat back, this was indeed news. "Is Lj safe?" 
Director Shepherd answered quickly "Of course, we won't let any harm come to him, he has already been through far too much." Cooper looked relieved 
"From what I have heard he has been through a lot, thank god he is alright we were very worried" Cooper said. Micheal sat back and repeated his question, "What do you know about Aldo Burrows?" 
"Aldo worked for the Company a very long time ago, once he realised what they really were about he went rogue and has done quite a bit to irritate them since."
"Alright I think that will do for now" Director Shepherd broke in, "we all have people to contact and leads to follow up but lets keep each other in the loop for now and remember this is all confidential we can't have these people smell a rat before we let them."

Cooper went back to his office and asked his secretary not to disturb him for awhile, he had just had a interesting thought in Director Shepherd's office and he wanted time to think. His mind went back to the moment when Micheal had asked him questions, his eyes had burned with such intense determination that they had reminded him of Aldo.
Cooper had known Micheal for four years and had even attended his wedding to the lovely Sara, who was currently pregnant with the couple's first child. Cooper suddenly remembered that Micheal had in fact been a foster child and considering his age and description decided that the facts were too similar to be a coincidence, he called a contact and asked him to look into Micheal's background particuarly his paternity and his hometown.
Cooper sat back and smiled as he remembered that he had almost asked Aldo's wife Christina to Micheal's wedding as he thought it would be something nice and different for her but Aldo protested about safety. She was going to be mad now when she finds out whose wedding she had missed out on!

working together, ncis, prisonbreak, cejuto

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