Dec 31, 2006 11:15
not much of a wrap-up, 2006 has been a pretty good year on the whole, busy and stressful to get into gradschool, and then everything started to fall into place. i still find it sureal that san francisco is home. especially when it's so easy to just be here in oregon, and feel like i haven't left. of course driving into eugene friday was suprising as there's a whole new building at the end of 7th street. corvallis hasn't changed a whole lot, but it's still odd not to see my old highschool anymore, even if the new building is far superior and better for the students. but anyways, i've been enjoying myself up here, and i'll have a busy month coming up, but i think it'll be fun. a new internship, a job on the weekends, fun restaurants to go to curtisy of x-mas presents from both sean's mother and father. a trip to yosemite would be wonderful too. then the semester begins, and i've got to get things figured out about summer. i don't know my other grades but i had an a for cultural property, and i think that i might consult and explore possibilities of bosnia as the focus for my thesis. if this could work, i would of course like to go and visit Nadina there, and so perhaps there are grants which i can find that might help pay for me to study. i find it difficult to look back over a year at the end of a year, things become clouded by the fact that more recent things have been happening and those which took place half a year ago are far distant past. so im looking to the future, and may this be a happy year for everyone! Happy New Year!
new year