yay tipsy!

Aug 05, 2006 01:07




found a new bar.

oooh ate at askew!!! <3 askew it's soooooooooooooooooo good. mmmm shishkabobs!

waited insane amounts of time for th MUNI.....but road on the F - line and it was a train from cincinattii. (i totally dion't know how to spell that! woop)

went to another bar in west portal, the philosophers club. was very nice. i enjoyed, and they had ouzo, so sean and david were able to have an ouzo and coke! plus we educated this guy at the bar, who seemed to take a liking to jess, about ouzo and how good it was!

oh yeah very funny we had a totally random conversation or two on the dirty-thirty while going to meet jess, and then on our way back down to powell station we caught the thirty again and happened to see the same guy as on the earlier bus, and he was all like heeeey there, how's it going. and then he was all i just moved to the city, then we're like yeah we did too. it was really funny. see i love how friendly people can be, but it's funny cuz i'll probably never see them again. so odd.

alright, c'est tout.

san francisco

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