Mar 12, 2006 23:25
you know what i like and don't like about sundays? no mail. ahhhhh! the weekend is killing me :-p
so i was thinking about going to san fran with my parents on wed, but then i called jess, and it turns out she'll be out of town the whole week. so my whole point in going and seeing my best friend from hs, well turns out she's going to be in san diego :-( oh well maybe sean and i will go down that way over spring break, and by then i'll maybe know if i've been accepted or not at sfsu.
anyways so since it was the weekend, and sean's feeling icky sick, i've been trying to let him rest and get his work done. today i cracked down on the cleaning of the house, cuz it's been messy, and it's really more than i'll ever be able to do, but im making a dent. a couple rooms looks much more respectable now.
i really want to get into grad school! ahhhhhh the wait.
ok im off to stand in the cold by the mailbox ;-)