I had a good Thanksgiving with my family and today had a long train ride and went from rain to snow. I didn't actually end up online that much this holiday and had a fun moment of my computer thinking it didn't have enough battery and shutting itself off.
Otherwise it seems fine, but I'm going to check in with Apple to see if maybe I need a new battery. The big stuff with my family is that my Dad had a fall and hurt his knee but thankfully nothing's broken and he's doing PT and trying to take care of it. Also my oldest niece is in her junior year of high school and thinking about colleges, this is so surreal but also cool. She also drove down to my parents' place since she got her license earlier in November.
Before the holidays, I have a lot of errands to get done; dentist, oil changed in my car, stuff like that along with fun things like writing for exchanges, presents and volunteering. At the moment, I'm glad to be home in my warm apartment as its snowy and cold outside.
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