Life has been very busy and strange the last couple of days and since I'm currently a little jet lagged, it feels even more so. So off and on in the last month or so, one of my teeth has been aching. I thought it was from grinding my teeth. The pain came to a head during my interview on Monday and the amazing woman in charge of my interview got me to a dentist. It turns out I had a broken tooth that was in bad shape, the dentist did something to hold me for a week or two until I can get taken care of. Today I've been feeling a little sore and tired since I didn't get home until 11:30 at night but better.
Now I'm looking back over the trip and looking ahead to my last week and a half at my current job and the jet lagged feeling is just about right.
Looking back, I'm trying to think about how I felt about Albuquerque and the school and its kind of hard since I didn't feel fully like myself. Everyone was nice, the place was beautiful, the library was huge and amazing and I think maybe I could see myself there. Normally after a visit like this, I'd feel more certain but I don't just yet. I'm going to keep thinking on it as they make their decision.
Next week I train my replacement and then have a nice break and reset. I'm hoping this week to maybe finish a fic that keeps being almost ready.
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