I'm only now sitting at my laptop for the first time since I was driving down to Delaware. I didn't really have time from Sunday until Boxing Day and then I was feeling too tired to really pull my thoughts together to attempt writing or putting into words all that happened.
To start with the good, for my Yuletide, I was gifted a love Cutting Edge story called
Over and Over (Everything Comes Back to You) which gives me just what I wanted. Doug and Kate being in love and figuring out how to be together. I haven't had any time to actually look at the archive. My giftee liked theirs.
Before I started driving down on Thursday, my parents let me know that they might be staying in New Jersey with my sister before seeing me. She had jaundice and went into the hospital on Friday. I intersected with my parents on Saturday, we had a day to connect, Sunday we started doing Christmas stuff with the idea of going up either Monday or Tuesday for Christmas with my brothers' family. Then on Sunday, my sister called to say they were going to do a procedure that day.
So we did a speed wrap of Christmas and packing and drove to her hospital where we met my brother and sister-in-law. The procedure went well and since then Leslie's been recovering in the hospital. That meant that all holiday things were around visiting Leslie. Her hospital's close to where she used to live so its about an hour from my brother's place and two hours plus from parents. We brought Christmas to her hospital room which was great but it left us all really drained. Her next step is going to a rehab place, as more steps are figured out. This was bad and a lot and I think for me, it really brought home how sick she is. I knew she was, but its been gradual and then this was whump, so much awful.
Also I've learned a new word bilirubin which makes me think of Billy Ruffian, the nickname for the Bellerophon, an Age of Sail ship. Minds are weird.
Now I'm down at my parents' place until Wednesday after coming back on Boxing Day and starting to feel like I'm having some break. I had all these plans for writing and I"m hoping to do some but maybe not as much as I'd hoped. There are two fics, both Cassian focused that I'd really like to try posting by the New Year. Also prompts that I took on, I'll write them at some point. I have no idea if I'll manage holiday cards.
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