It took before my last day of break but I seem to have caught the cold that my family's been passing around all holiday. Also yesterday, I slipped and fell which means its not easy to know which aches are sick and which are I fell down. Its been a good and complicated break, I haven't spent this long with my sister since she came to visit in June, so seeing her was hopeful and tricky. I'll write more about that elsewhere.
For Yuletide, I wrote
A weekend off, a Magid's fic that was fun to write and made my recipient happy. I'd never written Magids before but it was an excuse to reread the two books and be reminded how much I like them.
Now I'm starting back on fact checking then the drive back north into even colder weather. One of the main things I want to do in this coming year is more social stuff. This fall, work ate up a lot of my time but I want to try and get into my schedule, having tea or dinner with friends as well as finding groups to join in Boston.
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