Snowflake Challenge-Day 13, 14

Jan 14, 2016 23:00

I can't believe that Alan Rickman's dead. I've been traveling all day so only learned about it when I was on the train to NYC. He's an actor who's been in so many movies I adore and ones I don't, but he was always worth watching. Also I found out that the actor who voiced Robin Hood in Disney is dead as well from
sdelmonte and that's awful, his voice was always my Robin Hood.

For the Snowflake Challenge, the prompt for the 14th actually ties into some fics that I want to rec.

Day 14

In your own space, share your love for something fannish: a trope, cliché, kink, motif, theme, format, or fandom.

I think my favorite trope, the kind that will pull me deeper into a fandom is if the characters feel messy and real. I have a weakness for characters figuring out what they can do and who they are and all the bumps along the way. I think the best example of this for me is Sameth from The Abhorsen Chronciles, his perception of himself feels real and while the situation is extraordinary, his reactions feel real. If you look at my roleplaying roster on my profile or the types of fics I tend to write, they tend to be all about someone making sense and making mistakes and finding what they can do.

Day 13
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it.

Love and Marriage (3387 words) by shewhoguards
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci - Diana Wynne Jones
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Christopher Chant/Millie
Characters: Christopher Chant, Millie | Millie Chant
Additional Tags: Arguments, Happy Ending, marriage is hard, Newly weds
Romantic it might be, but there was a limit to how much you could smile at each other, how many pet names you could find for each other and how many times people could pointedly leave you alone together before it all got a bit.. dull really. And there was a feeling as though that status had to be maintained, as though the first person to break it by speaking a cross word or even voicing a minor annoyance might be breaking something precious.

I adore Diana Wynne Jones' books because of how she writes messy people and situations. This fic with Christopher and Millie getting married and having their first fight feels like a continuation of the books. Its sweet, sad and funny,

A Noble Heart (1417 words) by Rhiannon87
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: October Daye Series - Seanan McGuire
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dean Lorden/Quentin Sollys
Characters: Quentin Sollys, Dean Lorden
Quentin has a confession to make. Dean has no shortage of questions. Set sometime between Chimes at Midnight and A Red-Rose Chain.

This was my Yuletide gift and I've lost count of how often I've reread it. The author captures all that I love about McGuire's writing, the great world and the people. Quentin is one of my favorite characters in the series and I RP him in Milliways as I'm fascinated by his journey. This fic fills in some missing pieces and complements the world.

Like Butter on Toast (7667 words) by SoundandColor
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Hugh Collins/Dorothy "Dot" Williams
Characters: Hugh Collins, Dorothy "Dot" Williams, Tobias Butler, Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Season/Series 03, Light Bondage, Canon Compliant, First Time, Sharing a Bed, Rope Bondage, Yuleporn
“If I could find someone who looked at me the way your copper looked at you,” Nell says, staring into the bottom of her glass and seeing things Dot isn’t sure she wants to know about, “I wouldn't be standing here waiting. I’d go and get him and I wouldn’t let him go.”

Or, How Dot Decides It's Time to Bring Hugh Home.

Its really hard to pick only three fics but I think this one needs more love. Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is a show where I worry for all of them and this fic is Hugh and Dot trying to sort themselves out. I love how you can see the various found families and orbits of Dot, Hugh and everyone else. That intertwining and care that helps them find their way to happiness.

I hope other people enjoy these fics as they make me happy.

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milliways, miss fisher, roleplaying, snowflake challenge, quentin, october daye, sameth, death, robin hood

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