Snowflake Challenge-Day 9

Jan 09, 2016 15:13

Day 09

In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I like the phrasing of this, goals not resolutions as there are certain things I'm reaching for and writing them down helps.

1-Write and publish more-fics, on my librarian blog and keep looking into ways to write in other places.

2-Move to a city either Boston or DC-this one is something I've been thinking about and I think will make a big difference in many of parts of my life. Its going to involve finding the equivalent of the subbing I've been doing here, a bridge job as my mom calls them, but being closer to friends, people my age and more of what's happening in the profession will be good for me in a lot of ways.

3-Comment more, get involved in discussions all over the web in fannish and librarian places. I have a voice to add to the conversation.

4-Read books outside my comfort zone, read more diverse authors and stories.

5-Keep reconnecting more with the theater world.

This entry is also posted at Please comment wherever you'd like.

snowflake challenge, writing, library life, finding my way, theater geek, jobs, books

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