A birthday

Jun 08, 2014 23:16

Today I'm 33 and its been a lovely, lazy day. My parents came back from their travels last night and most of the day was spent shopping and reading the Sunday New York Times. We went out to dinner at this local great Italian place and brought back leftovers.

My presents have been simple but wonderful, an iTunes' gift card and some cds from one of my brothers, we've been collecting a lot through music, a necklace from Morocco from my parents and some money to play with.

This week is going to be a bit weird as one Thursday I have a job interview in DC and I realized I don't have emails of people that I want to connect with. Time is going faster than I expected but tomorrow I will DM or email, promise since I need to figure out where I'm going to stay. Life is good.

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finding my way

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